
Main types of agoraphobia

Believe it or not, the agoraphobia It is the most common phobia. It accounts for 60% of phobias and usually appears between the ages of 20 and 30, being more common in women. In this article we tell you all the details to have a broad view of this disorder. You can always delve into it with our wide range of training in psychology.

What is agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia is an intense and disproportionate fear of specific situations that involve leaving the house. The patient who suffers from it is usually afraid of situations in which escaping or asking for help could be complicated. It is also the most disabling phobia of all. The patient secludes himself at home to avoid situations that terrify him and it becomes impossible to carry out any task outside of it. These tasks range from visiting loved ones to going out to do the shopping.

types of agoraphobia

It is possible that all of us, at some point, have felt some discomfort in some of these situations. However, agoraphobia is characterized by causing panic attacks to those who suffer from it when faced with them. To diagnose agoraphobia, at least two of the following fears must occur:

Fear of open spaces

The name ‘agoraphobia’ comes from the terms ‘agora’ (square) and ‘phobia’ (fear). Literally, this means ‘fear of squares’, which can be translated into fear of public spaces. This can mean being afraid of large avenues such as outdoor sports venues, for example.

Fear of closed spaces

This fear occurs in places that are large but closed, such as a shopping center, a store, a theater or a cinema. They are also usually busy places with many people, which increases anxiety.

fear of crowds

The very crowded places are also usually large spaces, both open and closed. This is the case of soccer stadiums or shopping malls, respectively. Thus, the patient suffers anxiety twice and it becomes more difficult to cope with the situation.

Fear of using means of transport

This is where agoraphobia usually begins to manifest itself. It especially happens in the subway or trains when the route is underground, and it can be frequent in transport where you spend a lot of time locked up. It would be the case of airplanes or ships.

Fear of incontinence or vomiting in public

Many people affected by agoraphobia fear that the anxiety will lead to them not being able to control their urges or to the point that they will vomit in public. This fear may be more common in people with a disease such as irritable bowel syndrome.

fear of the workplace

This fear usually appears after having spent a long period of sick leave due to some work problem or anxiety.

Fear of going out alone

The latter unites all the others and is the most disabling. Fear floods the person until they do not feel safe outside the home and they need the company of someone they trust to be able to go out.

When is it necessary to ask for help?

Agoraphobia, like many other fears, is made worse by anxiety symptoms, so managing it is essential. If you detect that your anxiety levels increase with any of the situations described, consult a professional.

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