
Weekly Horoscope: January 7 to 13, 2024

You’ve made it through Mercury retrograde, and luckily, your weekly horoscope for January 7 to 13, 2024, delivers a wave of fresh energy and momentum. For the first time in two years, energetic Mars and taskmaster Saturn sync up in the sky. You’ll have the strategy, determination, and drive to commit to a goal and to do so in the most efficient way possible.

A new moon in the ambitious sign of Capricorn on January 11 marks a new chapter for your career, long-term goals, or public reputation. Leveling up on the work or personal front may require you to confront a few fears or unspoken power struggles.

Success is in the air on January 12 when Mars in Capricorn forms a supportive trine with beneficent Jupiter in Taurus.

Success is in the air on January 12 when Mars in Capricorn forms a supportive trine with beneficent Jupiter in Taurus. This brings you back to conversations and topics that were unfolding on December 27, when the sun in Capricorn formed the same positive aspect with Jupiter. This is a growth-oriented aspect, and you can make a lot of headway, whether it’s on a personal goal or by tackling the pesky items on your to-do list.

The next day, Mercury, the planet of communication and information, re-enters Capricorn. This shift highlights conversations and ideas that took place on December 1 and December 22, the last times Mercury sat at this point in the sky. You’re moving through the final stages of Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow period, and misunderstandings are clearing up to allow for smoother progress on your goals.

To get a closer look at what these cosmic shifts have in store for you, read on to find your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for January 7 to 13, 2024. (Note: You’ll want to check your sun sign and your rising sign for the best idea of what to expect.)

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full January 2024 horoscope, or take a broader look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from January 7 to 13, 2024

  • Sunday, January 7: Moon enters Sagittarius
  • Monday, January 8: Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
  • Tuesday, January 9: Moon enters Capricorn
  • Tuesday, January 9: Mars in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces
  • Wednesday, January 10: Sun in Capricorn square the lunar nodes
  • Thursday, January 11: New moon in Capricorn
  • Thursday, January 11: Moon enters Aquarius
  • Friday, January 12: Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus
  • Saturday, January 13: Mercury re-enters Capricorn
  • Saturday, January 13: Moon enters Pisces

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for January 7 to 13, 2024


The symbol for the aries zodiac sign, which resembles a ram.

You’re starting to see signs of one of your long-held dreams or goals materialize on January 9, Aries, when your planetary ruler Mars in Capricorn forms a positive sextile with Saturn in Pisces. Changes you’ve made to honor your boundaries or switch up your daily routine directly contribute to the recognition you’re receiving and a new sense of stability in your professional life.

The new moon in Capricorn on January 11 can coincide with achievement, honor, and praise, as you stand to gain power and influence in your field. The moon’s interaction with the lunar nodes (invisible points in the sky associated with fate) will add a layer of destiny to your interactions on this day.

On January 13, Mercury’s re-entry into Capricorn resurfaces past discussions regarding your professional trajectory or delivers important realizations about the next steps on your personal path.


Steer clear of gossip on January 8, Taurus, when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a tough square with dreamy Neptune in Pisces. This transit will bring up confusing thoughts, conversations, and feelings from November 27 and December 26. Today, you’re tasked with sorting through what’s real versus someone else’s projection.

The new moon in Capricorn on January 11 encourages you to leave your comfort zone and try something that scares you. You’re tired of holding yourself back and are feeling inspired to surrender the need to plot every step you take. Instead, you’re trusting that the universe has your back and remembering the journey and life experience is often better than reaching a goal itself.

You could feel that much more hopeful about the journey come January 12, when Mars in Capricorn forms a supportive trine with Jupiter in your sign. You and your skills could stir up quite the buzz and even gain some publicity with a wider audience. Using your voice and following your beliefs will lead to lucky opportunities.


You have the opportunity to clear up confusion in close relationships on January 8, Gemini, when Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. If you’ve been dealing with dishonesty or confusion, today you’re ready to take a stand. You’re ditching your rose-colored glasses and feel ready to have any conversations you’ve been avoiding.

Your finances are shifting on January 9 when Mars in Capricorn connects with Saturn in Pisces. You may be signing a contract or making an important change or commitment regarding your shared resources with partners or investments. It’s also possible someone else may be willing to invest in your hard work and ideas.

The new moon in Capricorn on January 11 brings you a clean slate and allows you to step into a deeper level of empowerment. Your important relationships will also deepen when you lean into vulnerability and explore intimacy.


You’re making exciting plans with a partner for the future this week, Cancer. When Mars in Capricorn syncs up with Saturn in Pisces on January 9, you could be considering the next step in your relationship, booking exciting travel plans, or landing a new collaborative opportunity or contract.

Significant new connections may enter your life on January 11 when the new moon takes place in your sister sign Capricorn. This can breathe fresh air into an already existing relationship or mark the beginning of a new relationship or business opportunity. In order to feel like you have a solid foundation, you’ll have to confront some unspoken power dynamics or learn to surrender to what you cannot control.

You’re having serious conversations on January 13 when the moon enters Pisces. You could be discussing commitments or setting boundaries around your availability. Information arrives that may help inform your next steps, and you’re able to focus with precision on anything you need to get done today.


The inner workings of your daily life are shifting and it feels good, Leo. On January 9, the Mars-Saturn sexile helps you establish new habits that are supportive of your growth and desires. You could also be taking on a new professional or personal responsibility that will require daily effort, but can lead to a deeper sense of stability.

You’re set to kick bad habits under the new moon in Capricorn on January 11. Also, if there’s been anything lingering on your to-do list, today you can tackle it with ease—or break through your fear of asking for help.

Once the moon enters Aquarius on January 11, your focus turns to your close one-on-one relationships. You could be planning a date night or showing up for someone you love when they need your support most.


Boundaries with your family members and within your personal relationships may feel murkier than normal, Virgo. When your planetary ruler Mercury squares Neptune on January 8, it kicks up feelings of martyrdom for you. You’ll need to use your discernment to see through the fog and exert stronger boundaries if necessary. On the bright side, waves of nostalgia—maybe even a trip back in time—can lead to creative breakthroughs.

On January 9, the Mars-Saturn sextile has you committing to a new project or hobby that brings you deep joy. When you pour effort into what genuinely lights you up, you can experience greater rewards. You’re remembering: Work can be fun.

When Mercury re-enters Capricorn on January 13, you find it easier to focus and create; if you’ve been struggling with writer’s block or a lack of inspiration, this begins to fade. You’re also ready to make informed decisions about any exes and situationships from the past that may have resurfaced during Mercury’s December retrograde.


Your weekly horoscope for January 7 to 13, 2024, suggests you’re making peace with the past, Libra. On January 9, when Mars connects with Saturn, you’re able to clear the air and establish a deeper sense of security in your important personal relationships. This can also bring a busy day around your home—perhaps you’re redecorating or reorganizing your space as you focus on creating a living environment that feels more nourishing.

You may feel like your life is infused with a hint of fate on January 10 and 11 when the new moon in Capricorn forms a square with the lunar nodes. You may need to make an important decision regarding a family member or your living situation, or you could experience intense nostalgia. Some of your fears may be intertwined with events on this day, and learning to surrender is a major theme and lesson.


You may be taking on a new creative and collaborative project, Scorpio. On January 9, when Mars in Capricorn links up with Saturn in Pisces, your conversations feel more productive and could spark long-term commitments. You may also decide to take a romantic relationship to the next level.

You’re reaching a turning point regarding your daily life, routine, and availability on January 10 and 11 when the new moon in Capricorn clashes with the lunar nodes. You’ll need to be honest about what you are willing to commit to and what is worthy of your time and energy. Setting boundaries and expectations will be key.

You’re in a cozier mood on January 11 when the moon moves into Aquarius. The weekend is almost here, and you can’t wait to bundle yourself up in a blanket and turn on your favorite show. You might also feel like hosting a small gathering at your house and celebrating something with your nearest and dearest.


You’re getting to the heart and truth of an important matter, Sagittarius. On January 8, Mercury, in your sign, squares Neptune in Pisces. This reignites conversations, thoughts, and feelings from November 27 and December 26. Today, you’ll be ready to make informed decisions in your important relationships that center your needs, goals, and desires.

You could feel more financially grounded and secure when Mars in Capricorn links up with Saturn in Pisces on January 9. Deep fears that you may not ever have enough or be enough begin to fade away. You’re establishing a stronger sense of confidence in your unique gifts, skills, and what you offer the world.

You could be pouring more of your energy and time into a new project on January 12 when Mars in Capricorn mingles with Jupiter in Taurus. Although this requires more of your focus, the investment feels worth it, and you’re optimistic about where the results will lead you.


You’re noticing a major shift in your mindset, Capricorn. On January 9, as Mars in your sign connects with Saturn, you may be adopting a new outlook on life that leads you to pursue a personal goal full-throttle. The new moon in your sign on January 11 delivers your once-a-year reset that allows you to embody a more authentic version of yourself.

If you’re single and searching, you may be ready to thrust yourself back into the dating world on January 12 when Mars, in your sign, forms a positive trine with Jupiter in Taurus. And if you’re partnered, you and your S.O. may be focusing more on exploring your pleasures and reigniting the spark in your connection.

When Mercury re-enters your sign on January 13, it could bring significant personal news your way. Conversations that stalled or were subject to misunderstandings on December 1 or December 22 could be revisited. You’re feeling more assured about your next steps and where you’d like to place your focus.


You’ve landed on your next big investment, Aquarius. On January 8, when Mercury squares Neptune, you may feel ready to put some of your funds toward one of your hopes and dreams for the future. This same transit can also bring a reality check regarding your social circle: You’re seeing through superficial connections.

You may be ready to take action on an idea that came through your dreams on January 9 when Mars in Capricorn connects with Saturn in Pisces. The new moon in Capricorn on January 11 encourages you to break unsupportive patterns and release anyone or anything that no longer serves you.

When the moon enters your sign on January 11, you become the main character. This is your cosmic green light to focus on your personal care, needs, and desires; spend the next few days doing activities or hanging out with people that fill your cup.


You’re standing out on January 8, Pisces, when Mercury forms a tough square with Neptune, in your sign. Your creative skills and ability to land on inventive solutions are on display in your professional and public life. This is a great day to show off your art or your work, and to lead with your charm.

You could make a committed effort toward a personal goal on January 9 when Mars in Capricorn links up with Saturn, in your sign. This is an aligned time to reach out to your network for support because others are willing to invest in you or fund your ideas.

When the moon enters your sign on January 13, you could be in a more sensitive mood than usual. You’re focusing more on your needs and aren’t afraid to protect your peace and set boundaries in the process.

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