
3 Things That Are Stopping You From Forming Healthier Habits

On this week’s episode of Clean Beauty School, I chatted with natural wellness and beauty expert Mona Vand, PharmaD about how to make healthy habits sustainable. This is, I should say, no small feat these days.

“It takes time and energy and money to do all of these wellness things, and we only have a certain amount of hours during the day. So know your why, do your research behind the practice, and try one thing at a time. If it resonates with you, then great, continue it. If not, then don’t keep doing it—don’t waste money on it,” she told me. 

I had on Vand so she could dish on all the various ways she takes care of herself—and she does, don’t worry—but the conversation took a more interesting turn when we got into how and why she does it. Because as I came to learn early on in the conversation, Vand is somehow equal parts highly disciplined and realistic.

Here, her tips on keeping on track. Tune into the episode to learn more. 

The key to living well is to make it easy, says Vand. What does she mean by this? Identify the roadblocks that are in between you and healthier habits—and find ways to ensure they’re no longer roadblocks. 

“I get so specific with my routine and my day: What is going to make my day-to-day seamless? For example, where are all my supplements going to go so that I can grab it in the morning? How is my food going to be arranged in the fridge? When I buy groceries, what days am I going to do it on? Where are my to-do lists and journals?” she says. “Because I am trying to see what’s stopping me from not achieving the things I want to achieve.” 

Taking stock is the first step, but then it’s about finding creative solutions. “For example, why am I not having time to workout every day? What’s stopping me?,” she said. “So the solution was I’m gonna get my tea ready, I’m going to have my clothes out the night before, and I’m going to bed at a certain time.”

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