
A 3-Step Gua Sha Routine For Hair Growth & Stress Relief

“Using the comb edge perpendicular to the head, begin performing a light and quick back-and-forth zig-zag,” McCrae says. If you’re using your fingers or a regular gua sha, make sure you have the pointed edge resting on your scalp. Avoid digging your fingernails into the scalp, relying on your fingertips instead. 

“Start above the ear, working the side of the head, and down to the base of the skull in an arc,” she explains. Repeat this step section by section until you’ve covered the whole scalp. If you have a section that’s naturally thinner, feel free to spend a few extra moments there. 

“The pressure is light and the speed is quick, creating an uplifting, invigorating sensation, as many pressure points and meridians are stimulated and blood flow to the scalp is increased,” McCrae notes. 

See, the benefits of scalp massage are multi-pronged: The physical stimulation helps encourage hair growth (especially when you do it often), and it relaxes you in the moment.

Stress is one of the more common causes of increased hair shedding, a loss that can cause even more psychological stress and continue on a negative loop. So it’s important to find stress-relieving rituals that work for you—more ideas here if scalp massage isn’t your thing. 

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