
The importance of deep musculature: how to take care of it

The deep muscles are always working, even if you don’t know or realize it. In this article we tell you why these muscles are so special and how you can strengthen them.

What is the deep musculature?

In the human body there two types of muscles different depending on where they are located.

On the one hand, superficial muscles they are the ones that are close to the surface of the skin and are the ones that give your body its shape. If you look at competitive bodybuilders, you can see their superficial muscles very well. This is because they have a low body fat percentage and their muscles are very well defined. The superficial muscles can be trained with specific exercises and consciously tightened.

On the other hand, the human body is also made up of deep muscles, which are the muscles that are closest to the bone, joints and internal organs. These muscles are not visible. Their function is to stabilize and they cannot be consciously tensed unlike the superficial muscles.

What muscles are part of the deep musculature?

Among the deep muscles we find the transversus abdominis musclethe little ones muscles along the spine connecting the spinous processes and transverse processes of each vertebra, and the muscles of the pelvic floor. Also included some muscles of the neck, hips, chest, and legs.

What are the autochthonous muscles of the back?

The muscles along the spinal column and are the main responsible for the mobility of the vertebrae are called autochthonous muscles of the back. Taken together, they form the erector spinae muscle. This set of muscles overlaps the muscles of the shoulder girdle and shoulder joint. Its function is to move and stabilize the spine.

It is not possible to consciously tense the native muscles of the back. However, they are constantly working to balance your body without you even realizing it.

Why is it important to train the deep muscles?

Are you wondering why deep muscles are worth training if you can’t even see them? The truth is that, unfortunately, many people think this and underestimate its importance. Remember that they are essential for your stability Y mobility.

When you move, you reflexively tense deep muscles before you even make the actual movement. You just don’t realize this is happening. When you twist your trunk or lean backwards or to the side, the small muscles that surround the vertebrae are responsible for keeping your body in balance both in your daily life and when you train.

If you lead a very sedentary lifestyle and lack of movement is a constant in your life, the muscles atrophy. If you have the too weak deep back musclesthe probability of suffering contractures either back pains increases1. The deep muscles of the back stabilize each of the vertebrae in the spine and protect the ligaments, tendons, and joints from injury. Therefore, if the deep muscles of the spine are not strong enough they can cause you to have a poor body posture or present signs of physical deterioration early.

On the other hand, the transversus abdominis muscle, among others, plays an important role in the breathing. It is located below the rectus and obliques abdominal muscles. The transversus abdominis muscle tightens around the waist like a belt and has a great influence on the abdominal pressure, which is the pressure exerted on the abdominal cavity. This pressure occurs when the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles, and diaphragm are tensed at the same time. Abdominal pressure plays a very important role in childbirth and helps to widen the birth canaltwo.

Reasons why it is important to train the deep muscles

  • good body posture
  • More stability and mobility both on a daily basis and in your training sessions
  • Having strong deep muscles can prevent back pain and contractures

Tip: To ensure a good balance not only outside but also inside, give yourself a break with a cup of organic tea. Its natural ingredients provide a sense of calm and bring a little relaxation between the stresses of daily life.

How to train deep muscles

The exercises aimed at the deep muscles are a good complement to your training routine. However, they differ from normal workouts in that deep muscles cannot be consciously tensed. To train them, you’re going to need all your stability, body tension and concentration.

When was the last time you moved your spine? In your workouts, do you rotate, stretch or bend your trunk backwards? Try to integrate these movements into your training plan. Your spine will thank you.

To strengthen the deep muscles, the exercises to train balance and stability they are especially useful. You can choose, for example, to perform exercises on an unstable surface or single leg stances. The lateral and twisting movements They also serve to activate the spine.

The exercises to train the core they activate all the muscles of the torso and therefore also the deep muscles. Thanks to functional training, you use a whole chain of muscles that work together in a complex sequence of movements. The exercises of pilates They are very good for training the deep muscles and help you activate your body center, the so-called “powerhouse”.

The proprioceptive training aims to develop the ability of our brain to perceive in what exact position are all the parts of our body on a certain moment.

These exercises not only train the deep muscles and the stability of the joints, but also the responsiveness and coordination, since, when the brain knows where each muscle and joint is located, it can react immediately by activating other muscle groups to, for example, avoid injuries, a fall, etc. Therefore, reacting quickly brings us benefits for our daily life and for our training sessions. Proprioception exercises often include exercises performed on unstable surfaces.

Exercises to train the deep muscles

We have compiled a series of exercises with which you can train your deep muscles. Before you start, don’t forget to warm up for 10 minutes. Let’s start!

Iron variants

With this exercise we train the stabilization of the torso and thus the deep abdominal muscles are also trained. Lie on your stomach, rest your forearms on the ground, and place your elbows just below your shoulders. Tense your whole body, push yourself up and form a line. Hold the position for 60 seconds.

If it’s too easy for you, support yourself on the palms of your hands instead of your forearms and hold the position. Raise one leg and the opposite arm. Hold the position for a few seconds, then switch sides. Try to hold one minute for three rounds.

back extension

Back extensions are a very good exercise for training the superficial and deep muscles of the back. In addition, they are also good if you have back pain.

Lie face down on the floor. Place your arms in front of you so that your elbows point out and you can place your hands one on top of the other, palms down. Rest your forehead on your hands and stretch your legs back. Look down at the ground. Tense your whole body. Raise your upper body as high as you can. Make sure to keep your legs straight. Hold this position for a few breaths. Then lower the body again. Do 10 reps for a total of 3 rounds.

Balance exercises on an unstable surface

Exercise 1: With this exercise you can train balance, leg muscles, core stability and the autochthonous muscles of the back. Roll up a large towel or mat and stand on it with both feet. Get ready for it to move! Tense the whole body. If you find it difficult to keep your balance, you can hold on to the wall or a chair with one hand.

Try slowly reaching one arm (or both) toward the ceiling. Next, she slightly bends her knees and brings her right arm diagonally to her left knee. Keep your back straight the entire time. Straighten back up and stretch your arms toward the ceiling once more. Then do the same with the other side. Do 8 reps on each side for a total of 3 rounds.

If you want to make it even harder, you can try touching your heel diagonally instead of your knee. For this, you will have to go down more. Don’t forget to keep your back straight.

Exercise 2: To train stability, you can also do balance exercises where you use only one leg on an unstable surface. To do this, stand on a rolled-up mat and carefully lift one of your feet slightly. Stretch your arms out to the sides. When you feel confident, bring your leg forward, then to the side, then cross it behind you.

Make sure to keep your leg straight. Pay attention to the breath. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Very important: contract your core muscles and focus your gaze on a fixed point. This will help you keep your balance. Do 8 reps on each side for a total of 3 rounds.


  • Deep muscles help you keep your balance every day and make your spine more flexible
  • If you train your deep muscles, you will be able to have a good body posture and it will help you to prevent back pain and injuries.
  • You can strengthen your deep muscles with balance exercises, exercises to train the core and pilates.
  • Exercises targeting deep muscles are a great addition to your training plan and can help you improve your performance.

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