
Everything You need to know about Group B vitamins

The B Group refers to a set of vitamins closely related to the health of the nervous system (its lack leads to anxiety, stress or depression) and the metabolism of all living cells in the body. They are important to keep in mind if you suffer from lack of concentration, tiredness, diabetes or unhealthy hair, skin and nails, among others.

General characteristics

Being water-soluble vitamins, they are less resistant to long cooking times and high temperatures (especially folate). There will be a transfer of vitamins to the cooking water that we will lose if we discard the water. To take advantage of them, the most respectful cooking is steamed. Except for B12, they are stored in small amounts in the body and need to be consumed daily for them to fulfill their functions. The excess is eliminated through the urine. Within the group B vitamins, two large groups are distinguished by their functions and particularities.

B1, B2, B3, B5 and B8

All of them are necessary to obtain energy from nutrients. They intervene as coenzymes in chemical reactions of glucose and fatty acids. Its deficit especially affects the tissues that are more metabolically active, such as the cardiovascular system or the nervous system. Therefore, people with stress, taking stimulants, intense physical exercise or a diet rich in refined products will see their needs increase.

Vitamin B1 or Thiamin

Its deficiency causes a disease called Beri-Beri, which presents symptoms of weakness, asthenia, lack of appetite, gastrointestinal disorders, muscle weakness and neurological disorders. Sunflower and sesame seeds, peanuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts and brewer’s yeast are good sources of Thiamin. Avoid taking it together with tea or coffee because its polyphenols inactivate its absorption.

The B vitamins work in synergy and it is better to take a complex with all of them to avoid imbalances.

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin

It is part of two fundamental coenzymes in the metabolic pathways for obtaining energy. In addition, it is necessary for the regeneration of Glutathione, an antioxidant enzyme. B2 deficiency causes lesions in the skin, eyes and nervous tissue. Riboflavin is present in almonds, egg yolks and buckwheat, among other foods.

Vitamin B3 or Niacin

It is part of coenzymes involved in the formation of glucose and fatty acids, oxidation and detoxification reactions. Its deficit causes lack of appetite, weakness and indigestion. In a second stage it produces pellagra, which is characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia. The main plant food sources are peanuts, buckwheat, and sesame and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid

Necessary for energy metabolism reactions and in the formation and degradation of fats. In addition, it stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands and increases the production of cortisone and other hormones. B5 deficiency is not common and only occurs in general cases of malnutrition. We can provide it with royal jelly, egg, mushroom, whole grains, legumes and artichoke.

Vitamin B8 or Biotin

It is necessary for the proper maintenance of hair, skin and nails. Symptoms of B8 deficiency are metabolic acidosis, digestive disturbances, lack of appetite, dermatitis and alopecia. The foods with the most biotin are: brewer’s yeast, walnuts, oats, eggs (with the white well cooked to prevent the avidin from inhibiting its absorption), cauliflower and peas.

sunflower seeds
123rfLimited©photodee. sunflower seeds

B6, B9 and B12

They are associated with the metabolism of proteins and neurotransmitters. They are also involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids, which is very important for the formation of new cells, genetic material and cell regeneration. Their needs will be increased in times of growth and due to a high protein intake.

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine

It has multiple functions of formation and degradation of amino acids (proteins). Among them, it is necessary for the synthesis of the heme group of hemoglobin. Its deficiency can cause microcytic anemia. It also intervenes in hepatic detoxification reactions, so it will be important to take into account in chronic alcoholics. B6 is present in wheat germ, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and garlic.

Vitamin B9 or Folate

It is necessary for the formation and maturation of red blood cells. Its deficiency causes megaloblastic (macrocytic) anemia. In pregnant women, it prevents congenital malformations in the baby. The main food sources are: brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables (watercress, spinach or parsley), peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds and soybeans.

Sunflower and sesame seeds, peanuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts and brewer’s yeast are good sources of Thiamin.

Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin

It is also necessary for the formation and maturation of red blood cells. Its deficit is related to megaloblastic anemia and neuropathy (neuronal damage). The active form of B12 is only found in foods of animal origin. Even if eggs are consumed, it is not enough and it will have to be supplemented.


The B vitamins work in synergy and it is better to take a complex with all of them to avoid imbalances. If you have to take a vitamin from group B individually for a long time, it is also important to take the B complex to avoid deficiencies of the rest of the B vitamins. Below we explain some characteristics or precautions when taking it in isolation:

  • B1: preventive of mosquito bites.
  • B2: responsible for the yellow coloration of urine.
  • B3: from 30 mg per day can cause flushing on the face and neck with itching and burning skin.
  • B5: recommended for very tired people.
  • B8: to treat hair loss, seborrheic dermatitis and brittle nails.
  • B6: give together with B9 and B12 when homocysteine ​​is high.
  • B9: take 3 months before conception and the first trimester of pregnancy to prevent malformations in the baby’s neural tube.
  • B12: essential to supplement in vegetarian and vegan diets.

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