
Types of Eating Disorders

When we talk about types of eating disorders we refer to the different mental or psychological problems that lead a person to change their eating behavior inappropriately. These disorders can have serious irreversible consequences, which is why mental health is so important in this area. Find out below about the causes and consequences of what are also called eating behavior disorders and specialize in the sector with our Master’s Degree in Treatment of Bulimia, Anorexia and Eating Disorders.

Types of eating disorders

As we mentioned before, eating disorders refer to all those mental problems that directly affect a person’s eating behaviors. These eating disorders can be caused by different causes. These include low self-esteem, impulsive behaviors, obsession with food or body weight.

This obsession can lead to patients suffering damage to the heart, digestive system or bones, and can also lead to serious illnesses.

Regarding the age at which these bad eating behaviors appear, various studies reveal that eating disorders usually appear during the final stage of adolescence. However, they can also begin to develop in childhood or later in life.

The most common eating disorders are:


People who suffer from anorexia are characterized by avoiding food over anything. They usually eat very small amounts as they see themselves as overweight even when extremely thin.

Anorexia is not usually the most common disorder but it is one of the most serious, it already has the highest mortality rate. Although it is a disease generally associated with adolescents, it is becoming more frequent in adults.


This disorder, despite being one of the most common, is the one that is least diagnosed, since people who suffer from it can hide it for months or even years.

Bulimia episodes are caused by frequent binge eating followed by a feeling of guilt that makes the person decide to compensate for the binge by forceful vomiting, excessive use of laxatives, fasting, or excessive exercise.

It differs from anorexia because people who suffer from bulimia usually have, at first glance, a healthy weight or considered normal.

Binge eating disorder

This disorder is suffered by all those people who eat in an uncontrolled way, being able to ingest up to seven thousand calories. The main consequences are overweight or obesity.

Those who suffer from it tend to do so in secret or at times when they are alone and can continue eating despite being full. As a general rule, after binge eating, patients often suffer feelings of guilt, shame and anguish, which also causes emotional or mental imbalances.

However, we can also highlight other types of eating disorders What:


It is an eating disorder that combines anorexia and alcoholism.


It is an unspecified eating behavior disorder that leads men to maintain restrictive diets or exercise excessively in order not to gain weight.


Like manorexia, it is a type of eating disorder not otherwise specified. It is suffered by those people who have spent most of their lives doing miracle diets and who live with the need to count every calorie ingested in order not to gain weight.


This eating behavior disorder not otherwise specified is defined as the desire to drink large amounts of water, mainly compulsively. People who suffer from it usually do so even when they are not thirsty. Some of the negative consequences caused by this disorder are the alteration of the functioning of the kidneys and the composition of the blood.

the pike

Pica disorder is considered a psychiatric illness in which patients ingest different non-nutritive substances such as earth, stones, paper, plaster or hair.

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