4 Ingredients for a Courageous Life
Have you ever found yourself in a whirlwind of uncertainty, feeling like you’re walking a tightrope with no safety net below? It’s a tough spot to be in, isn’t it? But here’s the thing – courage isn’t just for the brave souls we read about in books or see in movies. It’s something we can all tap into, especially when uncertainty comes knocking at our door.
Mustering up courage when it feels like the world is spinning out of control is not easy, but it is possible. If you’re not familiar with the book of Esther in the Bible, PLEASE go give it a read. Her story is stuffed with lessons on how to courageously navigate through uncertain times.
Let’s dive into it!
For those who have not read the book or need a refresher, here are the key people and a brief summary of the ongoings:
- King Xerxes – King of Persia
- Esther – the woman the king chooses as his wife
- Haman – the wicked second-in-command to the king
- Mordecai – Esther’s cousin who raised her
After Esther’s parents died, her cousin Mordecai raised her as his own daughter. Scripture describes her as lovely and beautiful. She quickly caught the King’s attention and he selected her to be his queen. Mordecai instructed her to conceal her nationality and family background to keep her safe from potential enemies of the Jewish people within the palace.
At the same time, Haman was promoted and everyone bowed down to him, except Mordecai. Haman was EXTREMELY prideful and was so furious that he wanted to kill not only Mordecai, but all Jewish people. Mordecai urged Esther to use her position as queen to plead for the safety of her people before the king, despite the risk it posed to her own life.
Now that we are more familiar with Esther’s story, let’s get into what she teaches us about courage:
1.) Courage requires vulnerability
Vulnerability is often perceived as a weakness, but it is a fundamental aspect of courage. Acknowledging our fears and uncertainties is the first step towards overcoming them.
Esther expresses her fear and hesitation in approaching the king in Esther 4:11. This verse highlights her understandable fear of the potential consequences of her actions, as well as the significant risks involved in approaching the king uninvited. Despite her fear, Esther ultimately finds the courage to take action and advocate for her people.
I think this is something we all need to be reminded of – Instead of suppressing or ignoring uncomfortable feelings, we must learn to acknowledge and process them in a healthy way. To do so, we need to allow ourselves to feel fear, anxiety, or uncertainty. But don’t stop there! After confronting our emotions, we are able to face challenges with greater clarity and resolve.
2. Courage requires support from others
By leaning on trusted individuals for guidance, encouragement, and practical support, Esther exemplified the importance of seeking assistance from others when facing challenges and uncertainties.
In Esther 4:15-16, she requested the support of her people, asking them to fast and pray for her for three days and nights before she approached the king. She also recognized the wisdom that Mordecai offered and relied on his guidance and encouragement to bring her confidence.
Humans are inherently social beings, and seeking support from others can provide strength and perspective during uncertain times. This is why it is so important to surround yourself with individuals who uplift and encourage you. Their support can provide a buffer against fear and uncertainty.
3. Courage requires patience and preparation
Esther realized that the “quick-fix” is not always the best route to take. In Esther 5:3-8, she is given an opportunity to make her request before the king right then and there, but she waits. Her decision to invite the king to a banquet before making her request allowed her to create a favorable environment for her plea.
This demonstrates the importance of strategic planning and timing when confronting challenging situations. Sometimes, patience and careful preparation can greatly enhance the effectiveness of our actions.
4. Courage requires faith
When you feel scared, powerless or insignificant, remember this: God designed you for a purpose.
This is the same advice Mordecai gives to Esther when she doubts herself, saying:
“Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created”
Esther 4:14
For Esther, his words served as a call to action, urging her to embrace her position as queen to intervene on behalf of her people. It highlights the importance of recognizing and seizing pivotal moments in life, even when they are filled with risk and uncertainty.
Esther’s faith was greater than her fear. She believed that God had placed her in her position as queen for a purpose and trusted that He would guide and protect her as she navigated the challenges before her. This faith infused her actions with courage and confidence in the ultimate outcome.
Courage in times of uncertainty is not about the absence of fear but about moving forward despite it. Even when life seems entirely out of control, remember that God is always present and always working on your behalf.
Esther shows us how vulnerability, support from others, patience, preparedness, and faith can lead to greater strength and resilience in the face of challenges.
What area of your life do you need to ask God for courage to walk though?