Healthy Recipes

The Counterintuitive Way I Lost Weight By Eating More

If you’re like most people, the idea of losing weight often brings up thoughts of cutting calories and eating less. It’s almost second nature, right? You eat less, you burn more, and voilà—you shed the pounds. But what if I told you that my weight loss success came from eating more—not less?

It sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out. 

For years, I struggled with weight, energy, and a sluggish metabolism. I tried restricting my food intake, skipping meals, and counting every calorie. Yet, I didn’t feel any better and I definitely didn’t lose the weight I wanted. Little did I know, the key to actually losing weight wasn’t about eating less—it was about eating more. It just needed to be in a way that supported my metabolism, balanced my hormones, and helped my body feel safe.

The Problem with Eating Too Little for Too Long

Here’s the thing: our bodies are incredibly intelligent, and when we consistently eat too little, they start to go into “survival mode”. When we don’t give our bodies enough fuel, they start to think, “Uh-oh! There’s a food shortage. Time to conserve energy!” So, our metabolism slows down, and our body holds onto fat to make it through this perceived famine. This is why restrictive diets can often backfire, causing your metabolism to stall, and leading to weight loss plateaus (or even weight gain).

Additionally, eating too little over a long period can wreak havoc on your hormones. Cortisol, the stress hormone, starts to spike when your body feels like it’s undernourished, and this can make it much harder to lose weight. High cortisol levels can also contribute to weight gain around the belly, fatigue, and mood swings. All of this makes it harder to lose weight sustainably. 

How Eating Enough (The Right Way!) Helps You Lose Weight

So, what’s the solution? Well, it’s not about eating less—it’s about eating the right foods in the right amounts. When you eat enough protein, healthy fats, and micronutrients, you send a signal to your body that food is plentiful and there’s no need to hang on to extra fat. Your metabolism gets a boost, and your hormones (including cortisol) start to balance out. The key here is making sure your body has everything it needs to thrive. And for me, this approach made all the difference.

My Approach to Losing Weight by Eating More

Here’s how I dialed in my diet and lifestyle to make it work:

Sleep is Key

First and foremost, I got serious about improving my sleep. Sleep is the foundation of health, and without it, nothing else works. I aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. I’ve noticed when I sleep well, my metabolism functions better, my hunger hormones (ghrelin and leptin) are more balanced, and I feel less stressed.

Sunlight in the Morning

Every morning, I make sure to get 15 minutes of sunlight within an hour of waking up. Sunlight helps set my circadian rhythm, which helps my body know when it’s time to be awake and when it’s time to sleep. This simple habit has had a huge impact on my energy levels throughout the day, making it easier to stay active and focused.

Protein Is a Game Changer

The most important part of my approach is making sure I get at least 35 grams of protein within the first hour of waking up. This helps kickstart my metabolism, keeps my blood sugar stable, and ensures my body has the building blocks it needs for muscle repair and growth. I shoot for 130+ grams of protein per day—sounds like a lot, right? But when you focus on protein-rich foods, it’s easier than it sounds!

I used to skip breakfast and intermittent fast, but now I prioritize protein in the morning and skip dinner if I want to eat in a limited window. I try to get as much as possible from real food sources but also usually take these amino capsules and sometimes make a smoothie with protein powder. 

You’ll also often find me just eating a bowl of beef or beef + eggs, or snacking on steak or beef sticks

Hydration (With a Twist!)

I drink at least 3-4 quarts of water every day, which keeps me hydrated, helps with digestion, and supports my metabolism. But here’s the twist—I also add a pinch of quality sea salt to my water. Salt is an essential mineral that helps balance electrolytes, supports proper hydration, and keeps my adrenal glands happy (which means less cortisol!).

Healthy Fats and Micronutrients

It’s not just about protein. I make sure I’m getting enough healthy fats (like avocado, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter) to support hormone balance. I also make sure I’m getting enough vitamins and minerals—everything from vitamin D to magnesium. That’s where targeted supplements come in.

I take supplements that fill in the gaps to ensure I’m getting the right micronutrients my body needs to function at its best. Here’s one brand I’ve been loving lately with quality supplements.

I Like To Move It Move It

As humans, we were meant to move, and most of us just don’t move enough. As cliche as it sounds, I noticed a difference from adding in walking with a weighted vest daily. Bonus points if it’s in the morning or during bright afternoon sun for the light benefits! 

The good news? We don’t need to do boring endless jogging to lose weight (at least, that never worked for me), and in fact, it could be counterproductive. Not that I needed an excuse not to run more than a couple hundred meters. The bad news? We do need to move more than most of us are moving, but we can 80/20 this! 

I walk most days and pair this with listening to a podcast or audiobook and getting sunlight at the same time! I also try to do 10 air squats whenever I walk through my kitchen (which is a lot) and hang or do a couple of chin-ups whenever I walk by the pull-up bar in my bathroom. Not fancy, but these little things add up and make a big difference.   

More Sunlight

Perhaps the most important factor and more on this soon. Growing up fair-skinned, I avoided the sun for the most part. Now, I make sure to get enough sunlight daily (morning, bright midday, and sunset) and avoid bright light at night. I consider this one of the biggest factors in my health and stress levels improving. 

If you’re interested in learning more about this, check out Dr. Courtney Hunt’s groups or follow her on Instagram here. 

The Result?

I ate more… like double as much as I was eating, and lost weight. When I forget and don’t eat enough, I feel the difference! (I still sometimes TRE or do longer fasts but primarily for mental/spiritual reasons).  My energy is up, my metabolism is firing on all cylinders, and my body isn’t hoarding fat as much anymore. 

And the best part? This approach isn’t about deprivation or counting every single calorie. It’s about nourishing my body and giving it the tools it needs to work efficiently.

Final Thoughts On Eating More To Lose Weight

If you’re struggling with weight loss and feeling stuck, try shifting your mindset. Eating more of the right foods—not less—is the key to balancing your hormones, boosting your metabolism, and supporting sustainable weight loss.

Remember, your body wants to thrive—it just needs to feel safe and supported. Start fueling it with the right foods, sleep, hydration, and sunshine, and watch how it responds. Sometimes, the best way to lose weight is to eat more, not less!

Do you count calories? What’s your approach to healthy eating? Leave a comment and let us know!

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