
Weekly Horoscope: February 4 to 10, 2024

Some cosmic foreshadowing is on the horizon: You can think of your weekly horoscope for February 4 to 10, 2024, as a sneak preview of what’s to come over the next two decades as transformative Pluto makes its way through change-agent Aquarius—for the first time in our lifetimes (one of the major astrology transits of 2024).

You’ll kick off the week with plenty of mental stamina as Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Aquarius on February 4. You’re problem-solving in innovative ways, but you’re also probably more fixed in your own opinions and ideas than usual, too.

The following day, on February 5, Mercury and Pluto meet up in Aquarius for the first time in—you guessed it—our lifetime. You’re feeling more curious about your own psychology and willing to explore what you’ve buried or left unaddressed. That could lead to healing or cathartic conversations with the potential to transform your mindset: Maybe you shake a limiting belief or feel the freedom of revealing a long-held secret.

You’re feeling more curious about your own psychology and willing to explore what you’ve buried or left unaddressed.

You could make a decision within a close relationship that feels a little extra karmic on February 6 when love-planet Venus in Capricorn clashes with the lunar nodes, or points in the sky associated with fate. There is more room to experiment in your partnerships and find different ways to connect on February 7 when Venus mingles with renegade Uranus in Taurus. Taking a risk could lead to unexpected blessings.

On the same day, energetic Mars in Capricorn forms a supportive sextile aspect with dreamy Neptune in Pisces, which reminds you that bringing your hopes and wishes to life requires action and initiative… and not just visualization.

Your day could be full of surprises on February 8 when the sun in Aquarius squares off with Uranus in Taurus. You’re ready to stand out among the crowd and shock others with your authenticity and what you choose to share. On the same day, the moon in Aquarius and Pluto in Aquarius conjoin for the first time since April 13, 2023, highlighting your relationship with the past, power, control, jealousy, and fear.

A new moon in Aquarius on February 9 amplifies your desire for freedom and spontaneity as it clashes with Uranus in Taurus. It’s an ideal moment to prioritize your inner rebel’s desires. But come February 10, you’re open to shifting your personal beliefs in favor of others’ perspectives when Mercury in Aquarius squares Jupiter in Taurus. This is great energy for brainstorming… but just be mindful not to overcommit.

To better understand what these cosmic shifts have in store for you, read on to find your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for February 4 to 10, 2024. And be sure to check your sun sign and your rising sign for the most accurate picture of what to expect.

Looking for broader cosmic insights? Check out your full February 2024 horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from February 4 to 10, 2024

  • Sunday, February 4: Mercury enters Aquarius
  • Monday, February 5: Venus in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries
  • Monday, February 5: Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
  • Tuesday, February 6: Moon enters Capricorn
  • Tuesday, February 6: Venus in Capricorn square the lunar nodes
  • Wednesday, February 7: Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
  • Wednesday, February 7: Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • Thursday, February 8: Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
  • Thursday, February 8: Moon enters Aquarius
  • Thursday, February 8: Moon in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
  • Friday, February 9: New moon in Aquarius
  • Saturday, February 10: Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus
  • Saturday, February 10: Moon enters Pisces

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for February 4 to 10, 2024


The symbol for the aries zodiac sign, which resembles a ram.

You’re forming powerful alliances, Aries, when Mercury and Pluto have their once-in-a-lifetime meetup on February 5. You could be brushing shoulders with VIPs, or maybe you DM your favorite celeb… and hear back! Just be mindful of any unspoken obligations or expectations that may lead to an imbalance of power.

Some good news: You could receive a bonus or raise out of the blue on February 6 when Venus in Capricorn connects with Uranus in Taurus. (Or, your creativity, dedication, and hard work could pay off in some other way.) You’re ready to commit to a new goal or a new collaborative project on February 9 under the new moon in Aquarius. Partnerships you make today can deliver a new form of support for one of your dreams—whether that’s an influx of helpful ideas or hard cash.


You’re reaching new professional heights, Taurus, when Mercury and Pluto have their rare meetup in Aquarius on February 5. You could have a discussion about a raise, promotion, or other big opportunity. You’re also more aware of the unspoken power dynamics at work, and secrets about your boss or company could be revealed.

More helpful news could arrive on February 7 when Venus in Capricorn mingles with Uranus in Taurus. Perhaps you learn about a new development that furthers one of your personal goals or close relationships. Sharing your thoughts and ideas with a larger audience can also lead to a whole lot of extra attention today.

The new moon in Aquarius on February 9 marks a fresh chapter for your public reputation and accomplishments. Perhaps you’re taking on a new role personally, like as a volunteer or as a parent, or maybe you’re ready to leave your current professional field and pursue a new career trajectory altogether.


For you, the Mercury-Pluto conjunction on February 5 could lead to a big perspective shift, Gemini. Maybe you learn something that changes your worldview, or you get into an intimate, taboo-busting conversation with a close friend.

When Mars in Capricorn connects with Neptune in Pisces on February 7, you’re ready to make amends. Letting go of resentment from the past or even extending compassion to past versions of yourself can free up mental energy and space for what matters.

Come the new moon in Aquarius on February 9, you’re getting into something new: Perhaps you’re signing up for a class, sharing your skills and talents more broadly, or planning a trip. Whatever it is, you’re ready for more adventure in your daily life.


The Mercury-Pluto meetup on February 5 could push you to be more vulnerable, Cancer. After all, your weekly horoscope for February 4 to 10, 2024, points to discussions regarding some of your fears or jealousies. Perhaps you’re letting one of your “taboo” interests see the light of day.

Fate and your close relationships may feel intertwined on February 7 when Venus in Capricorn clashes into the lunar nodes (AKA, those points in the sky where the moon’s orbit around the Earth intersects the Earth’s orbit around the sun). Old karmic relationship patterns could resurface, but you’re ready to choose a new path forward.

When the sun in Aquarius squares off with rebellious Uranus in Taurus on February 8, be prepared for shocking secrets to be revealed. You may see the motives and intentions of some of your friends and people in your network with more clarity.


Contracts and negotiations may be underway for you, Leo, when Mercury and Pluto meet up on February 5. Just note: You may need to confront certain hidden agendas or power dynamics before signing on to anything. By a similar token, you could start discussing whatever has been swept under the rug in a close relationship.

The everyday work you put into a personal or professional obligation starts to pay off on February 7 when Venus in Capricorn links up with Uranus in Taurus. If you’ve been working longer hours to get a project done at work, a new form of support may become available to you.

The new moon in Aquarius on February 9 hits refresh on your relationships. If you’re single, you may feel ready to commit to someone you’ve been dating, and if you’re attached, you may be adjusting how you’re showing up for your partner.


Come February 5, you could feel so over anyone who’s trying to micromanage you, Virgo, as Mercury and Pluto form their once-in-a-lifetime conjunction. Others may try to busy up your schedule with their responsibilities, and this is an important day to assert your boundaries and protect your precious time and energy. If you’ve been wanting to kick a bad habit, the energy today supports long-lasting results.

February 7 is a lucky day for romance and creativity when Venus in Capricorn links up with Uranus in Taurus. This is your cosmic green light to show up and self-express (go ahead and post that Instagram story!). Sharing your gifts and talents with a larger audience can lead to intriguing opportunities or deepen your close relationships.

Things aren’t going to go as planned when the sun in Aquarius bumps into Uranus in Taurus on February 8—do your best to remain as flexible as possible. It’s very likely you’re feeling torn between having fun and focusing on your responsibilities. It’s easy to miss a meeting or get caught in traffic on the way to an appointment, so pad your schedule with time… and go with the flow when you can.


The way you self-express could shift, Libra, when Mercury and Pluto meet up on February 5. It’s time to face some of your fears about public speaking, having a personal brand, or otherwise sharing your gifts. Some jealousy can also pop up in your romantic relationships… or perhaps you feel all-in on someone new you’re dating.

When Venus in Capricorn squares the fated lunar nodes on February 6, you could be pushed to make a decision about something in your personal life with lasting consequences. Perhaps you’re considering moving in with a lover or moving to a new city—in any case, it’s worth really thinking before acting.

The new moon in Aquarius on February 9 could encourage you to initiate a passion project. Whether you’ve always wanted to pick up sewing or learn how to skateboard, this lunation reminds you that your inner child and teen still live within you. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and you’re ready to prioritize play once again.


You could be moving through a personal awakening, Scorpio, when Mercury and Pluto sync up in Aquarius on February 5. Perhaps you’re addressing feelings and memories that others within your home or family are avoiding. Speak your truth—it’s not your responsibility to carry the weight of familial drama on your shoulders.

On February 7, you could wake up to an intriguing opportunity as Venus in Capricorn mingles with Uranus in Taurus; someone who is eager to work with you may reach out about a collaboration. Or, a partner or friend could bring up a topic outside the norm—but the conversation could lead to a breakthrough in your bond.

You’re ready to make a decision that involves both your living situation and your close relationships when Mercury in Aquarius squares off with Jupiter in Taurus on February 10. Maybe you’re ready to tell your chosen family or loved ones that you’re pregnant or accepted a new job… or some other celebratory news.


Your weekly horoscope for February 4 to 10, 2024, could have you facing your fears and limiting beliefs, Sagittarius, as Mercury and Pluto form their once-in-a-lifetime conjunction on February 5. Conversations that take place today can feel cathartic and triggering but also freeing, as you address topics or feelings that you’ve been avoiding.

You could make some changes to your daily routine and the way that you support yourself on February 7 when Venus in Capricorn syncs up with Uranus in Taurus. Perhaps a new project requires you to meaningfully adjust your work schedule or how you spend your weekends or downtime.

The new moon in Aquarius on February 9 can push you out of your comfort zone—perhaps you’re inspired to sign up for a class in a topic unfamiliar to you, start working on a writing project, or incorporate more weekend trips into your life.


The Mercury-Pluto meetup in Aquarius on February 5 has you rethinking your relationship with money, Capricorn. Maybe it’s time for you to unpack the origins of your scarcity mindset or let go of a tendency to define your worth by your paycheck.

You’re ready to put yourself first on February 6 when Venus, in your sign, rams into the lunar nodes. It’s time to prioritize your ambitions and needs—which could look like making a life-altering decision, like changing your career altogether.

As Mercury in Aquarius squares off with Jupiter in Taurus on February 10, you could choose to invest your money and resources in a new way. That might mean taking a personal hobby to the next level—perhaps buying a pottery wheel for your home or signing up to volunteer at a community garden.


It’s time to face the music, Aquarius. When Mercury and Pluto meet up in your sign for the first time in our lifetime on February 5, you’re pushed to get honest about whether you’ve been leading an aligned life. Have you been living your truth… or curating a version of yourself to be accepted and make others comfortable? This is your moment to commit to being unapologetically you.

You could take action on an intuitive message or something you dreamed up on February 7 when Mars in Capricorn mingles with Neptune in Pisces. Choosing to invest your energy into an idea that came to you during a period of solitude can lead to a creatively fulfilling venture or maybe even some financial success (or both).

The new moon, in your sign, on February 9 is your once-a-year opportunity to show a new side of yourself to the world. Now is the time to sever ties with the past and anyone or anything that leaves you questioning your worth. You’re entering a new era, and it feels liberating.


For you, the Mercury-Pluto conjunction on February 5 could offer fresh intuitive insights, Pisces. Perhaps you suddenly recognize a poor habit or self-defeating behavior that requires your attention. You have the opportunity now to break a cycle.

You may have a fun evening planned with friends on February 7 when Venus in Capricorn connects with Uranus in Taurus. Maybe you’re trying a new restaurant or heading to a meeting of a book club or sports team you recently joined.

Come the new moon in Aquarius on February 9, your day-to-day life could change as you commit to new patterns and behaviors. You’re also ready to set boundaries when and where they’re needed, even if it makes others feel uncomfortable. Protecting your peace and precious free time feels more pressing than usual.

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